Common Indicators of a Business Phishing Attempt
If you own or operate a company, one of the cyber threats you may be most worried about is employees falling victim to phishing attacks.
If you own or operate a company, one of the cyber threats you may be most worried about is employees falling victim to phishing attacks.
With the proliferation of operating systems and devices, business environments require more diligent software patching than ever before.
Summary: Real internal threats include employee sabotage, accidental data leaks, and disgruntled ex-workers. Learn how to prevent internal breaches and protect your data from friendly
Without a consistent and robust password management program, account churn quickly creates cyber security risks for your small business.
Early internal reporting of a suspected cyber security incident can be the difference between a minor inconvenience and a major business problem.
Security patch management provides the right balance between ongoing threat protection and installing a patch that creates more issues than it fixes
Any size business is now a target for cyber criminals. Here is an easy-to-follow cyber security checklist to help you protect your business from threats.
Defensor from Fortis is the simple, affordable cyber security solution for small business. Defensor protects your business from multiple categories of cyber threats.
Digital credentials, such as usernames and passwords, connect you and your employees to business applications, email systems as well as online services. Unfortunately, hackers know this—and that’s why digital credentials are among the most valuable assets traded on the Dark Web.
Don’t wait until it’s too late to evaluate your anti-phishing strategy and take preventative action. Consider these suggestions.