Keeper Business Password VaultAs a user of Keeper Business Password Manager, you will only need to remember one password—your master password. You won’t have to spend time trying to remember or find passwords.

Plus, you will have a unique, strong password for every website you log into.

Once Keeper is set up and your passwords are added, you won’t even have to type your username and password into most websites. Keeper will do this for you automatically.

These videos will walk you through setting up and using Keeper.


Setting Up Keeper

The steps you need to take after you receive the welcome email from your company’s Keeper administrator. It includes instructions for setting up and using a smartphone authenticator app to secure access to your Keeper account.


Using Keeper Business Password Manager

How to add your existing passwords to Keeper. How Keeper automatically generates a strong password for new website logins.


Importing Passwords Into Keeper

If you have been storing your business passwords in a browser such as Chrome, this video tells you how to import those passwords into Keeper and then remove them from your browser.

If you are a Fortis customer and have any questions, please contact support.

If you are not yet a Fortis customer, learn more about our Defensor cyber security suite, which includes Keeper Business Password Manager.